504 research outputs found

    Vertical Integration and Shared Facilities in Unregulated Industries

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    I this paper we consider a market situation in which initially there is an unintegrated monopoly upstream entry and vertical integration. The equilibrium entry mode -sharing the incumbent facility or building a new facility- is derived as well as the equilibrium market structure. Several policy prescriptions are set forth.Esencial facilities, shared facilities agreements, vertical integration, strategic substitutes

    Durability of Large-scale 3d Printed Materials for Transportation Infrastructure

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    Large-format extrusion-based polymer Additive Manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing has been used for transportation infrastructure applications, including culvert outlet diffusers and precast concrete formwork. This research assesses thermoplastic composite material system durability and dimensional stability under different environmental exposure conditions. Accelerated exposure in the laboratory was conducted for moisture absorption, freeze-thaw cycles, and ultraviolet (UV) weathering. Specifically, this thesis investigates the use of bio-based renewable polymer composites for transportation infrastructure applications by correlating accelerated laboratory durability tests with site-specific environmental durability for selected applications. The thesis compares the performance of bio-based composite materials, wood fiber/ polylactic acid (WF/PLA), wood fiber/amorphous polylactic acid (WF/aPLA), and synthetic materials, carbon Fiber/ acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (CF/ABS). The material\u27s durability is evaluated using visual and quantitative surface analysis methods, dimensional stability, and retention of mechanical properties after accelerated exposure. The surface analysis methods implemented are contact angle measurement and surface roughness measurement. The representative mechanical properties selected are flexural strength and flexural modulus. Standard test methods for mechanical performance and durability assessment were adapted and implemented for large-format extrusion-based 3D printed materials to account for print toolpath and bead size. The performance of semicrystalline and amorphous PLA polymer systems was evaluated and compared to determine the feasibility of these bio-based materials for 3D printed applications in transportation infrastructure. Non-contact full-field digital image correlation with the GOM ARAMIS system measured strains and displacements in the flexure tests. The durability assessment is based on the retention of mechanical properties, surface analysis, and dimensional stability of exposed specimens relative to baseline specimens

    Clinical research in pediatric organ transplantation

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    Solid organ transplantation has greatly improved survival in children with end-stage disease, becoming one of the main treatment options in this population. Nonetheless, there are significant challenges associated with validating and optimizing the effects of these interventions in clinical trials. Therefore, we reviewed the main issues related to conducting clinical transplantation research in children. We divided these challenges into three different categories: (i) challenges related to surgical techniques and anesthetic procedures, (ii) challenges related to post-transplant care and (iii) challenges specific to a particular population group and disease type. Some of the observed burdens for clinical research in this field are related to the limitations of conducting studies with a placebo or sham procedure, determining the standard of care for a control group, low prevalence of cases, ethical concerns related to use of a placebo control group and lack of generalizability from animal studies and clinical trials conducted in adult populations. To overcome some of these barriers, it is necessary to utilize alternative clinical trial designs, such as observational studies or non-inferiority trials, and to develop multicenter collaborations to increase the recruitment rate. In conclusion, the lack of robust data related to pediatric transplantation remains problematic, and further clinical trials are needed to develop more efficacious and safer treatments

    Climate Change and Public Health: Actions from Institutions in the Current Social-Culture Scene

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.Objetivo: Analizar el vínculo entre el cambio climático y la salud de las personas, reflexionando en torno a los desafíos que representa tanto para la atención primaria en salud pública cómo para los profesionales de la salud. Método: Este ensayo se organiza en tres momentos: En el primero, se describe brevemente la epistemología del medio ambiente como objeto de estudio. El segundo momento señala la influencia del desarrollo y crecimiento económico sobre los cambios ambientales, se reflexiona acerca de la vulnerabilidad de la población frente al cambio climático. Se analizan los efectos y consecuencias del cambio climático en la salud de las personas. Finalmente se exponen las acciones a nivel de la condicionante de la salud medio ambiental propuesta para la salud pública. Conclusión: El empoderamiento de las personas por parte de los profesionales de la salud resulta significativo al momento de movilizar capital social para el desarrollo de programas y políticas públicas en salud y medio ambiente.Objective: To analyze the link between climate change and people’s health, reflecting on the challenges it poses for both primary care in public health as well as for health professionals. Method: The essay is divided in three stages: The first briefly describes environmental epistemology as an object of study. The second refers to the influence of economic growth and development on environmental change, reflecting on the population’s vulnerability to climate change. The effects and consequences of climate change on the health of people are analyzed. Finally, suggested actions towards conditions of environmental health proposed for public health are exposed. Conclusion: People`s empowerment by health professionals is significant when building social capital for the development of health and environmental public policies and programs.http://ref.scielo.org/5vbr3

    Propuesta de control y monitoreo desde una central de personal de obra, para un proyecto de construcción basado en un estudio de caso

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEste trabajo tiene como fin el crear una propuesta de carácter investigativo pretendiendo plantear el funcionamiento desde la parte administrativa centralizada en proyectos de ingeniería y arquitectura, enfocándose en la eficiencia de los procesos de administración, control y monitoreo de una Obra.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile

    Phylogeographic analysis of introns and mitochondrial DNA in the clam Ruditapes decussatus uncovers the effects of Pleistocene glaciations and endogenous barriers to gene flow

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    Studies on the phylogeography of species inhabiting the Mediterranean and the nearby coasts of the NE Atlantic Ocean (MEDAT) have found subdivision and/or phylogeographic structure in one or more of the Atlantic, western Mediterranean and eastern Mediterranean basins. This structure has been explained as the result of past population fragmentation caused by Pleistocene sea level changes and current patterns of marine circulation. However, the increasing use of nuclear markers has revealed that these two factors alone are not enough to explain the phylogeographic patterns, and an additional role has been suggested for endogenous barriers to gene flow or natural selection. In this article we examined the role of these factors in Ruditapes decussatus, a commercial clam species native to MEDAT. A genetic analysis of 11 populations was carried out by examining 6 introns with a PCR-RFLP technique. We found subdivision in three regions: Atlantic (ATL), western Mediterranean plus Tunisia (WMED), and Aegean and Adriatic seas (AEGAD). Two introns (Ech and Tbp) showed alleles that were restricted to AEGAD. Sequencing a subsample of individuals for these introns indicated that AEGAD-specific alleles were separate clades, thus revealing a phylogeographic brake at the WMED-AEGAD boundary. Sequencing of the mitochondrial COI locus confirmed this phylogeographic break. Dating of the AEGAD mitochondrial haplotypes and nuclear alleles with a Bayesian MCMC method revealed that they shared common ancestors in the Pleistocene. These results can be explained in the framework of Pleistocene sea level drops and patterns of gene flow in MEDAT. An additional observation was a lack of differentiation at COI between the ATL and WMED, in sharp contrast with 4 introns that showed clear genetic subdivision. Neutrality tests did not support the hypothesis of a selective sweep acting on mtDNA to explain the contrasting levels of differentiation between mitochondrial and nuclear markers across the ATL-WMED transition, and we argue that the difference between markers is best explained by the existence of an endogenous genetic barrier, rather than by a physical barrier to larval migration alone.This work has been funded by grants AGL2003-04143 from MCYT (Spain) and AGL2006-08944 from MEC (Spain) to J.B. Peña, and AGL2007-60049 and AGL2010-16743 from MICINN (Spain) to C. Saavedra. Partial funding was obtained from the Marine Genomics Europe Network of Excellence (GOCE 505403).Peer Reviewe

    DEBI (Device for Bikes)

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    En la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco en México, la seguridad de los ciclistas en áreas urbanas es un gran problema. El gobierno ha invertido en infraestructura como ciclovías y otros programas de movilidad para resolver este conflicto, pero el riesgo de seguridad continua. El dispositivo llamado DEBI (device for bikes) fue desarrollado como prueba de concepto que proporciona características de seguridad activa para ciclistas en áreas urbanas con la implementación de un dispositivo económico y portable. Las principales características de DEBI incluyen: Luces LED que son usadas para indicar cuando el ciclista está frenando y luces direccionales que son controladas de forma inalámbrica usando una aplicación de software ejecutada desde un smartphone. DEBI puede también detectar cuando otros vehículos se acercan en curso de colisión y activa una alarma acústica para alertar al ciclista. Todas estas características son alcanzadas gracias al acelerómetro con tecnología MEMs (Microelectromechanical Systems) y el sensor ultrasónico de proximidad que se comunica con el componente principal que es el microcontrolador ATmega328p de Atmel que está integrado en la tarjeta de desarrollo Bluno Beetle que además cuenta con un módulo de comunicación bluetooth embebido. Los resultados fueron satisfactorios considerando el alcance de este proyecto y todas las funcionalidades de seguridad fueron probadas. Sin embargo, es importante notar que algunas cuestiones relacionadas con lecturas falso-positivas fueron encontradas bajo circunstancias específicas, esto podría ser corregido en futuras versiones usando un sensor de proximidad más robusto, aunque esto requiere un análisis más detallado debido a que incrementaría de manera significativa el costo del dispositivo.In the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco in Mexico, the safety of cyclists in urban areas is a current problem. The government is investing in infrastructure like bicycle paths and other mobility programs to solve this issue, but there is still a lack of security measures that allow cyclists to ride safely, for example, the incorporation of technological devices with safety features. DEBI (Device for Bikes) is a product developed as a proof of concept to provide active safety features for cyclists in urban areas by implementing a low-cost and portable device. The main features of DEBI include: LED lights used to indicate when the cyclist is stopping and turn signals that are controlled via wireless using a software application running on a smartphone. DEBI can also detect when other vehicles are approaching in collision course and activate an acoustic alarm to alert the cyclist. All these features are achieved thanks to accelerometer with Microelectromechanical Systems technology (MEMs) and an ultrasonic proximity sensor that communicates with the core component, the ATmega328p microcontroller by Atmel™, integrated in the Bluno Beetle™ development board with a built-in Bluetooth communication module. The result was satisfactory considering the scope of this project and all safety features were validated. However, it is important to note that issues related to false-positive detection were found under specific circumstances, this could be corrected in future versions using a more robust proximity sensor, but it will require further analysis since this could significantly increase the cost of the device.Sistema BEAConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Índice Kanawati-Mc Laren y su relación con el bajo peso como indicadores de desnutrición en el recién nacido a término del Hospital II-2 Tarapoto. Periodo abril - septiembre 2019

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    El Índice Kanawati-Mc Laren y su relación con el bajo peso como indicadores de desnutrición en el recién nacido a término del Hospital II-2 Tarapoto en el Periodo Abril a Septiembre 2019, tuvo como objetivo Conocer la relación del índice Kanawati-Mc Laren y el bajo peso en el recién nacido a término del hospital II-2 Tarapoto. Periodo abril-septiembre 2019, el tipo de investigación utilizado fue no experimental, cuantitativo descriptivo de corte transversal, la población y muestra que se utilizó fue 65 casos. La técnica seleccionada para esta investigación fue la encuesta y como instrumento se usó el cuestionario. Se obtuvo como Resultados, que el grupo etareo que tiene más incidencia de casos es el de 37 a 39 sem. con un 82% (53), seguido del grupo etareo de 40 a 42 sem. con un 18% (12), Existe un predominio del sexo femenino en un 65% (42) y el sexo masculino con un 35% (23), se clasifican según Edad Gestacional, en pequeños para la edad gestacional en un 89% (58) y adecuado para la edad gestacional un 11% (7) de todos los casos estudiados, el 82% (53) de ambos sexos de los recién nacidos culminaba la gestación a las entre las 37 a 39 semanas seguido de un 18% (12) que culminaba entre las 40 y 42 semanas. Respecto al peso para la edad gestacional, el 100% (42) del sexo femenino fue de bajo peso al nacer, seguido del 100% (23) del sexo masculino tuvo la condición de bajo peso al nacer, el promedio del peso de la población en estudio de recién nacidos es de 1980 gramos con un máximo observado de 2490 gramos y un mínimo de 1170. Se observó un promedio de la dispersión de los pesos respecto al promedio de 359 gramos, Índice Kanawati-Mc Laren fue desnutrición moderada en un 85% (55), mientras que existe un 15% (10) con desnutrición leve y para desnutrición grave 0% no se reportó ningún caso.The Kanawati-Mc Laren Index and its relationship with low weight as indicators of malnutrition in the term newborn of the II-2 Tarapoto Hospital in the Period April to September 2019, aimed to know the relationship of the Kanawati-Mc Laren index and low weight in the term newborn of the II-2 Tarapoto hospital. Period April-September 2019, the type of research used was non-experimental, descriptive quantitative cross-sectional, the population and sample that was used was 65 cases. The technique selected for this investigation was the survey and the questionnaire was used as an instrument. As results, it was abtained, that the age group that has the highest incidence of cases is the 37 to 39 weeks with 82% (53), followed by the age group from 40 to 42 weeks with 18% (12), There is a predominance of the female sex in 65% (42) and the male sex with 35% (23), they are classified according to Gestational Age, in small for gestational age in 89% ( 58) and adequate for gestational age 11% (7) of all the cases studied, 82% (53) of both sexes of newborns culminated the gestation at 37 to 39 weeks followed by 18% ( 12) which culminated between 40 and 42 weeks. Regarding the weight for gestational age, 100% (42) of the female sex was of low birth weight, followed by 100% (23) of the male sex had the condition of low birth weight, the average population weight in the study of newborns is 1980 grams with an observed maximum of 2490 grams and a minimum of 1170. An average of the dispersion of the weights was observed with regards to the average of 359 grams, Kanawati-Mc Laren Index was moderate malnutrition by 85 % (55), while there is 15% (10) with mild malnutrition and for severe malnutrition 0%, no cases were reported.TesisVancouve

    MMA Fanzine una publicación sobre artes marciales y artes marciales mixtas

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    Como el mismísimo inicio de este escrito, el nacimiento del proyecto que me dispongo a presentar a continuación puede describirse muy acertadamente como un fenómeno de generación espontánea, fenómeno que sin embargo nace de una necesidad muy clara y concreta: escribir sobre artes marciales mixtas (MMA [Mixed Martial Arts) por sus siglas en inglés), un tema sobre el que, en Colombia, prácticamente nadie escribe. No al menos desde la línea editorial que determinó la selección de temas y el enfoque de los artículos de este proyecto.Comunicador (a) SocialPregrad